Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nice Quotes Vol 25 ~ (50 SMS)

Heated gold become ornament..

Beated copper become wires..

Depleted stones become statue..

So, the more pain u get in life, u become more valuable

"All Smiling Persons Are Not The Happiest Persons

They Are The Best Actors Of Life Hiding All Pains In Their Smile..!

People who seem 2 be nothing,finally dey become everything...

and who appear 2 be everything suddenly change to nothing..

Thats the journey of life!

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;

they just make the best of everything that comes their way.

"Always be like a baby...!!"

bcoz the baby does not know about its past as well as its future..

"but it enjoys every second of its life.!"

People dn't care when dey lose 1 ruppee coin from der pocket...

Bt dey feel distressing whn dey lose 1 rupee from der mobile balance!!

Universal Truth:
Have u ever noticed that when u shout

''HEY IDIOT....!!''

About 10 people turn around.

Think abt it-

evry1 says dat in frnshp v shud never say 'sory' or 'thank u'..

Bt d real fact is dat a relation remains 4evr by sayin dis 2 words only..

One genuine reason to feel jealous of our parents:  "we will never ever have a kid as awesome as they have.. "

Don't keep ur dreams in ur eyes, they may fall as tears. Keep them in ur heart so dat every heartbeat may remind u 2 convert them in 2 REALITY. ..

"If sumbody is there to care u always in ur life,then no other great blessing to u from God.


Truely caring ppl r very rare in ths worlD..

Short sentence but rich meaning: "If You Want To Know The Value Of A Person..!"

"Just Miss Them"...

Strong people know that how to keep their life in order.
Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm ok" with a smile...!!

"Life is nothing wen v get everything". Bt "life is everything wen v miss something in life". Value of people wil b realized in their absence only!!!

Respect feelings of people who touched ur heart
Bcs u wil never know when they wil just walk out of ur life N never come back.

Wen u hurt sumone its vry ec to say "I'm Sorry".But
Wen sumone hurts you its difficult to say "Its Ok".
Feel it. . .

"Sometime we fail 2 understand d feelings of very close people in our life. Just like a Book held very nearer 2 the Eyes is very difficult 2 read.

"Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."

"I have Many Problems in My Life. But My lips don't know that nor my face express it by talk or words . . . They always SMILE. . "

"The toughest task in the world is to remain as yourself when people are constantly trying to make you someone else.. Always be yourself"

SO CUTE AND TRUE LINES:"Never choose anyone without complete understanding" and
"never lose anyone bcoz of a small misunderstanding"

"If u cant find d right words for certain situations, just give a smile..
Words may confuse, but a smile always convinces."

Life is like a circle

"winners will not be always winners


losers will not be always losers"

The hardest person to beat n dis world s the one who can smile on the face f defeat..so keep smiling wat ever the situation is.

Whenevr u r cheated fm ur loved ones dont get angry on them...Instead u spread a cute smile.. 
It gives a non curable pain on thr heart.

Victory is not the property of brilliants. It is the crown for those who bow themselves in front of hard work.

"When few thngs go wrong, take a moment 2 thank God for many things dat r still going right Be happy N Stay Happy!!"

"Be strong in your Decisions,

either it gives Victory or Failure.

But it will teach you a Lesson whether to do or not to do".

"Those who Educate Children well r more 2 be Honored than Parents,4 these only gave life,those the Art of Living Well" ~ Aristotle

The only prison we need to escape is the prison of our minds, Open your minds and feel the freedom...

"Good Decison comes from Experience..."But,

"Experience comes from Bad Decision..."

dnt take bad decision in evry situation.

When there is confusion between your heart and mind, Don¿t listen to your mind because mind knows everything But your heart knows only U.

"Never use anybody in life coz wen sumbody keeps on suffering bcoz of u its nt bcoz he's weak bt bcoz he values ur smile more dan his suffering"

Three sentences of Succes, Writtenby

William Shakespeare:

1. Know more

from others.

2. Work more

than others.

3. Expect less

from others ...

"The best person in your life is the one

who is the first one

to come in ur mind

when u want to share something"

It Is Not Necessary To Share Everything Between True Frnds.

But It Is Necessary That What Ever U Share Must Be True..

When U Face Choices...

Just toss a coin..not just because it settles the question,but while the coin is in d air,u will know what ur heart is hoping for.

A lot of trouble will

disappear if everyone learns to talk to each other instead of talking about each other..

You never realize how much you love someone until you watch them with someone else..

Best words by a true friend.:

''my care will be in the heart and not in words''.

''my anger will be in words and not in the heart''

"Everything is valuable only at 2 times :

First - Before getting it.

Second - After loosing it."

Simple but true...!

" Easy to loose Someone By Saying a Lie.."

But," Difficult to get back dat person by saying truth." Be truthful.

Live Beautifully.

Whenever an unexpected joy passes through ur heart and suddenly u smile for no reason,remember someone somewhere is wishing you to be happy always.

Short and Sweet~
"Always look for what's Wrong

before looking who's wrong..." read it once more to keep ur relation's safe.

Affection betwen frndz is nt wen dey read d frwrded msgs and smile..
Its actualy wen dey smile jst by seeing d name..
n thinkin.. 
Pagal ne yad to kiya :) :) 

"Get a best person like mirror, because when you cry it never laughs". 

A little possessiveness..
a little understanding..
a little argument..
a little affection..
All these keeps a big relationship called frndshp! 

A line which will really make u think....
"Day by Day nothing changes..
When U look back everything is different".

True lines-
"Everyone in d wrld will say,u have changd a lot
But no one in d wrld wud luk into ur eyes n says,U have compromised a lot"!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a huge collection of quotes and sms. I wish you also share some love messages for her. That would be great!
