Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nice Quotes Vol 18 ~ (50 SMS)

"..When people walk away from you..let them go ...your destiny is never tied to anybody who leaves you..and it doesn't mean that they are bad people..it only means that their part is over. . . "

A very honourable Thought - Words dont have the power to hurt you ...unless the person who said it means a lot to you..!!! 

Two B'ful Lynz: "I'll stay CLOSE 2 U... til My Presence DOESN'T HURT U.."
"I'll stay BACK Silently Away frm U, Once I FEEL that My Presence IRRITATES U.

Once in lif, do fall in luv, nt necesarly wth a prsn, bt wth an idea, a dream, an ambition. Mor oftn it'll b a reasn 2 wake up wit a smile!

Never trust a girl who says she loves u more than anybody else in d world. It proves that she seen a lot in the world.

when v like someone a lot, they bcme a part of ourself..... ...dats why it pains us so much when v MISS them, bcoz we MISS a part of ourself

Life iz much lyk FACEBOOK.Ppl wil like your problemz n comment, but no one gonna solve dem. Bcoz evrybody seemz so buzy in updating der own..!

Ppl Say dat We Don't Undrstnd d Value Of Our Dear Ones Until We Lose dem, Its Wrong, We Know Their Value Bt We Nvr Think dat We Can Lose dem..

"Failure also looks beautiful when u have a loved 1 to support u & Success also hurts u when u dont have a loved 1 to wish u."

Best Msg 4Ever:- . . . Do u know why love is blind? . . . . . Love is blind because... . "ur mom started to love u before seeing ur face...!!

Beautiful lines for loveable heart : U crossed Me once in my life, but ur Sweet memories crosses my eyes every second..

"Life is not a rehearsal.. Each day is a real show.. No retakes.. No rewinding.. So give the bst performance in all ur roles..."

"Extending one hand to help somebody has more value, Than joining two hands for prayer... "

Great words of Buddha: "Our mind is the greatest Cheater in the World...!!! It makes Thousands of different Excuses to go by its own way..."

The best thing in lyf is finding someone who knows all ur mistakes and weaknes n still thinks "U r still special to them".

Life doesn't make you or break you.! Its your own mentality that decides! Never hesitate., never feel low, wear a smile and steal the show.

ATTITUDE with a DIFFERENCE... "I dont mind if My Pain Becomes The Reason For Somebody's Laugh, But all I want is My Laugh Must Never Be The Reason 4 pain."

Awesome words:- I don't know xctly wat being mature is, But I think itz wen v r finally able 2 joke abt things dat 1ce broke our heart badly...!

Short Sentence but rich in meaning... "Be willing to accept a temporary pain for a permanent happiness."

when i was smaLL,i Laughd Less !. But there were infinite hidden happiness.... As i grew up,i Learnt 2 Laugh more 2 hide my unpoken sadness !. Sad but True..!

Hardest truth of life : "We still wait for our spl one's to msg daily But we dunno know dat they are busy wid their spl one.

Think evryone equally..don't give special place 4 anyone..b'coz its easy 2 give dat place..bt it hurts wen dat person does'nt knw d value of dat place..

An excellent thought by a misunderstood heart : I know she hate me but the day when she know the truth she'll hate herself. . .

Its hard 2 care 4 a person,whn u knw dat 1more step forward,wil make u fall in luv.. & 1step back,ruins ur frndship. Very true....

" The love which u go in search of, may expect a lot of things 4m u.. But the love that comes ur way expects nothing more than U. . ."

A fantastic qstn wit a meaningful ans Define LOVE?  "For getting one person v loose evrybody. If v didnt get dat one person v'l loose ourself"

"An expert is a man who tells you a simple thing in a confused way in such a fashion as to make you think the confusion is your own fault." -William Castle

Life Is Like A Three Pages Of Book... First Page"Birth" Last Page"Death" Middle Page"Blank" So Fill It With Smile & Enjoy The Life..

Small Meaningful Quote... 'Many times in life, realization is not worth because, it comes after v lose something'

"Every Painful Situation is a Gift from God to make You Unique from others".So face the Pains to become the Best in your Life in front of others.

Many Peopel Are So Lucky That Even after Hurting So Much They Get LOVE.. & Very few are So Unlucky that even after Loving So much They get HURT...

Luv defynd by. . . 
5 yr old grl "luv is wen he takes my chocolates nd cums back with its wrapr" 
10 yr old grl "luv is wen we wrk for a project n he intnsnly touchs my hand tryng to gt a pen" 
13yr old "luv s wn he cum 2 d othr corner of d cls to sharp hs pencil wthot realizng dat he is hldng a pen" 
15 yr old "luv is wen we get caught bunkng nd he takes d blame" 
18yr old "luv is wen at farewell he hugs me sayng keep in touch" 
23yr old "luv is wen he proposes me wid a rose nd says u know i luv u" 
35yr old "wen he cleans d house seeing me tired" 
50yr old "wen he is ill nd stl crackng a joke jst to make me laugh" 
60yr old "wen he s takng hs last breath nd syng, i'm glad as u know wat luv is, nd leaves me with a tear,4ever"

Heart is like a bottle of perfume. If U nevr open it nobody knows the fragrance inside it. If U keep it alwys open soon U wil loose Ur fragrance. So act wisely

"The duck looks smooth & calm on top of WATER. But under that there is restless Pedalling.. Nothing is worth without struggle."

Briliant words from Abdul Kalam: "Don't dream abt beauty,It spoils your duty!" "Dream abt ur duty,It makes ur life beauty".

Small but value added message..!! "A Mountain is not higher than ur confidence.. because it will be under ur feet, if you reach the top.!

Respect d old when u r young.! Help d weak when u r strong..! Forgive d fault when u r right.! Bcoz 1 day in life v all wil b Old, Weak & Wrong!!!

By impressing people u can make them like u.. But to make them love u, d only way is showing truly WHO u r..coz every character has its own value..

Millions of Trees in The World r Accidentally Planted By Squirrels Who Bury Nuts & den Forget Wer They Hide Them.. Do Good & Forget them. It'll grow!

Deepest care is d biggest sorrow in dis world, Nvr care a person more dan ur life.it'll hurt u a lot wen u realize dat ur care wasn't der need.

'Care' is d most beautiful word which makes life richer. If somebody tells u 'take care', dat means u live in their HEART 4ever... So tAkE cArE!

1 day v all wil b sitting n thinking hard abt lyf... 
Hw it changed frm simple coleg lyf 2 strict professional lyf + 
Hw pocket money changed 2 huge monthly paycheques, Bt gvs less happiness. + 
Hw a few local jeans changed 2 new branded wardrobe, Bt less occasions 2 use them. +
Hw a single plate of samosa changed 2 a full pizza, Bt hunger is less. + 
Hw a bike alwys in reserve changed 2 a car alwys on, Bt less places 2 visit. + 
Hw 2 save evry single rupee 2 rechrg cel phn changed 2 postpaid conectn, Bt les ppl 2 talk 2... Lyf moves fast, so stay in touch... 2 all my best buddies.. Hope V wil b dere.

One Of d most sad part Of life: "its tough wen some1 SpL starts to ignore u.. but its even tougher to pretend that u dont mind"..!

" Trust is the easiest thing in world to loose and the hardest thing to get back. To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved "

Meaningful Msg: "Sea is never large, but sight of our viewing is larger! No One's love is lesser, but the expectations are higher...!"

Every single second gives u an 0pportunity to change ur fate... So, don't kill the Time by worrying urself. "
- Abdul kalam.

"Whom U don't need today, U will need them tomorrow.. Whom U neglect today, will never again accept U tomorrow!!" Strange, but true..

Life runs on two simple Golden rules "Accept&Change".Accept the things which you can not change Or Change the things which u can not accept

There are two things that we have to learn from a child: To be happy for no reason... To be always busy doing some thing...

Always be like a BABY! Because the BABY does not know about its past as well as its future.. But it enjoys every second of its life. 

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